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Industrial Pollution roots:
The year is 1988, the place: Sao Paolo, Brazil, the event is one to be remembered as a moment of triumph and acheivement in the 'Pollution diary. For on this day, the renown day of beckoning, the band now known as Industrial Pollution were formed.

The band's founding members, Yasir and Aslam, now known as Doobie and James, christened the band 'Industrial Pollution' after something they heard in a life lesson of theirs.

Their quest to form a world conquering band led them to their bassist, nick, aka Serge G. His light hearted approach to life and his melodic bass lines proved quite useful to the band. Next to join the 'Pollution band wagon was their third and final guitarist, neil, more commonly known as Nailerface. His vicious taste in music and aggressive attitude was crucial in the making of heavy songs. Last to join the Pollution band was their drummer, Scro Bo, whose beats brought a new surge of life into the band.

The band was complete and was ready to take the world by storm, as a wise man once said: " And then there was light".